Deutsche Welle – The future of driving is (almost) here

Posted by benjamin | May 2, 2017 | Clips


The future of driving is (almost) here

Both the world’s largest car companies and leading tech firms will put autonomous vehicles on the road in just a few years. Can’t wait that long? DW shows you what it’s like to “drive” in an automated car.

If you are eagerly waiting to own a self-driving car, you might get a chance sooner than you think. Some automakers are saying they’re only four years away from bringing autonomous vehicles to market. US company Ford, for instance, plans to put driverless cars on the road by 2021.

I recently had the opportunity to take a joyride in a (stationary) connected car and sneak a peek of what “driving” in the future might look like. The scenario: it’s Friday afternoon, the workday is over, and I’m on my way to my cabin for the weekend. Upon entering the car, the driver monitoring camera recognizes me, which automatically activates my personal settings including the destination, my favorite radio station and the temperature.

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